Christian Apologetics Podcast List

Trying to make the case for the Christian world view can seem overwhelming. With so many areas to understand, it may seem like you need a degree in philosophy to even get started. A lot of us don’t have time or resources to pursue that kind of education. This is where online resources like podcasts can help. Listening to podcasts gives you the ability to consume much of what you need to know in small chunks, at a summary level, at your own pace, and on your own time.

A Quick Intro To Podcasts

If you are not familiar with what a podcast is, think of it like a talk radio show that you can download to your computer, smartphone, tablet, etc and listen to whenever you want – even without an internet connection. You subscribe to the show through an application on your device, and new shows get downloaded as they are published by the show creator. Two of my favorite podcast features are the ability to go back and listen to previous episodes the creator has published, and the ability to save shows to listen to them again if you want to refresh your memory on a topic. Neither of these things can be done with traditional radio. Also, most of terrestrial radio is about sports, current news and politics. With podcasting, the topics are endless. If you can think it, there’s a podcast for it. Your favorite sports teams probably have podcasts dedicated just to them. Like Lego? Yup, there’s a bunch of podcasts about Lego. Disney fan? Got you covered. Want to learn how to restore your bathroom? You’ll find shows that talk about that, too. And, of course, there are lots of Christian podcasts to check out as well.

Here is an article from Wired with some instructions on getting started listening to podcasts

A Small List of Apologetics Podcasts

Here’s a quick run through of my personal favorite Apologetics Podcasts.

#STRAsk– A show featuring Stand To Reason’s Greg Koukl where he answers listener submitted questions in 4 minutes or less. Shows are usually around 20 minutes

Cross Examined – Nationally syndicated radio show host, author and speaker Dr. Frank Turek discusses a broad range of social, political, scientific, historical and theological topics from the perspective of the Christian world view.

Reasonable Faith – Dr. William Lane Craig is one of the most brilliant Christian thinkers of the past 40 years. His books Reasonable Faith and its condensed version On Guard are required reading for anyone wishing to be able to make the case for Christianity. In his weekly podcasts, he discusses a variety of philosophical topics, answers write-in questions, and breaks down some of the debates he has had with thinkers from other religions and schools of thought.

RZIM: Ask Away – Vince and Jo Vitale are speakers with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. They answer write-in questions and do a great job of responding in a loving, caring manner to the important questions and challenges many people struggle with regarding Christianity.

STR Weekly – Another show from Greg Koukl taken from his nationally syndicated radio show. He answers callers’ questions, discusses current topics, and interviews authors and speakers from various arenas. If you have read his book on Tactics, this is your chance to hear him use those techniques in action.

Cold Case Christianity – J. Warner Wallace is a former cold case homicide detective who was once an atheist. After studying the New Testament, he realized that they were reliable eyewitness statements to the events they portrayed and became a Christian. He uses a highly evidential approach to analyzing Scripture, historical events, and current topics. Jim has a very salt of the earth style that makes the things he discusses easy to follow and connect with.

Think Biblically – This show is presented by Biola University and hosted by Scott Rae and Sean McDowell. Both are faculty there with the Talbot School of Theology, as well as speakers and authors. They address current topics such as transgenderism, social justice, immigration and other issues in the current culture, and apply Biblical thinking to them. This show helps Christians thoughtfully and faithfully engage with the difficult topics that face us in today’s culture.

Unbelievable? – Based out of the UK, Unbelievable is a long running radio program hosted by Justin Brierley that brings two opposing viewpoints together to engage in a civil discussion. Typically, the show features a Christian thinker vs members of other belief systems (Muslims, Jews, Mormons, atheists), and often times features two Christians on opposite sides of theological issues as well. This program does an excellent job of modeling civil disagreement and debate between two opposing sides – something completely lacking in mainstream media today. Justin does a great job keeping the conversations on track and open minded to both perspective as a way to ultimately arrive at the truth.

I’ve provided a list of the podcasts that I listen to regularly as well as a little description of each. This list is by no means complete, and you can feel free to add to this list in the comments below.

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About the Author: David W. Gilmore

Dave Gilmore is the founder and editor-in-chief of Legati Christi. Over the past few years he has developed a passion for Christian Apologetics and theology, and enjoys talking to others about the Christian world view

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